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Home Improvement Construction

For many people who own a house, remedial home improvements, remodeling and new construction/additions are often an ongoing effort/process. Just about the time the house is painted and detailed, something else catches the eye that just does not fit in with the decor one is hoping to achieve. Additionally, there is always an endless list of household emergencies that may come up. There are a few tips, however, that will make the many projects manageable without busting the budget.

Home Improvement Workers Beware

The construction industry is a dangerous industry to work in, which is why it has stringent health and safety guidelines which need to be observed at all times. If these guidelines have been ignored and you have suffered an accident or injury at work as a result, you may be entitled to make an accident at work claim to receive the compensation you deserve.

Setting Priorities for your Home Improvements

The first thing to do is prioritize the list of "must do" improvements and updates. Although you may want that new kitchen now, if the roof is bad and needs to be repaired or replaced, the new kitchen may get destroyed before it even gets finished, unless the roof is taken care of first. Therefore, it is important to sit down and make a list of everything one would like to achieve then decide the order in which to do them based on cost, importance, need, ability, and potential future effects.

As mentioned previously the budget is very important. It's not uncommon in any project to go 20% above the expected costs without knowing where the money went. Additionally, if hiring a contractor, contracts often stipulate that there may be some additional work required based on what they find once they get started. If, for example, while an old roof is being replaced, the contractor finds out that rats have eaten the electric wiring that runs through the attic, there will be additional costs, since this a critical problem that will need to be fixed before anything else is done. It is very important to determine a budget for the project, and add at least 20% for contingencies. You can always apply for loans so you can have a sufficient amount of money set aside to meet any unexpected project expenses. With contractors additional work can be denied in many cases, and added to the list to be done at a later date unless it is life threatening or impairs the structure of the building. In either case, it will need to be fixed before the project is finished.

Next on the list is importance. If one has lived with an antiquated kitchen for a number of years, updating it may be of more importance than renovating a bathroom. On the other hand, replacing old carpeting in order to generate a new look as well as to ensure it meets the new federal guidelines for safety and performance, this project may take precedence. Frequently when people make their list of what is important it gets confused with desires. It’s important, therefore, to ask oneself “What makes the project important?” and then ask, “Is it something I have to have right away?” These questions will help separate desires from needs.

This brings us to the question of need, which is ever changing. This is very similar to importance, but with some specific differences. If, for example, a family of four living in a two bedroom home just found out that triplets were due in a few months, the need for space has just become a priority. Selling an existing dwelling, finding a new home, then completing paperwork and finalizing the deal before the new babies arrive will probably not happen. Additionally, in today’s debt-ridden market, new home loans are becoming more and more difficult to find. An alternative is to find new space within the existing residence which can be achieved in a number of ways. Many times this will take the assistance of an expert in the field who can determine where walls can be moved, where headers establish walls which cannot be moved, and whether there is space to go up, out, or down in order to accommodate the new needs.

How much it costs to complete home improvement projects are often directly related to the skills one possesses. If one is skilled in construction, painting, plumbing, electrical work, and all the other elements of a project one can probably do it themselves and save a ton of money. On the other hand, few people possess all the skills in which case they can hire sub-contractors to complete just the parts they can’t do. If one has no skills, on the other hand, a contractor can be hired to coordinate completion of a project and that person would be responsible for hiring the sub-contractors needed and coordinating activities along the way.

A final consideration is the future. If one is planning on selling their point at some time in the future, to complete a project which does not add value to the home is a waste of money. Much of what is selected during the process needs to reflect potential future needs along with immediate desires in order to ensure that a change of residence can be made without undue burden. Many homeowners find they have to pay for repairs or changes to homes before they qualify for financing. An example would be a staircase that does not have a railing. This must be fixed before the property can be sold. Therefore, installing the railing when the stairs are built or adding it to the priority list will ensure that if one does need to move they won’t loose money along the way.

Home Improvement construction is an ongoing process, and if one buys a home or owns a home they need to realize that it is just part of being a homeowner. This comes with positives and negatives, but if one knows that this is needed and saves for those projects that need to be done along the way, at least they won't be caught by surprise and be forced to bust the budget in order to get the work done at the last minute. These projects can be enjoyable and stress-free if planned properly.